📄️ Installation
🗃️ Resources
11 items
🗃️ Pages
3 items
🗃️ Dashboard
4 items
📄️ Navigation
Getting started
📄️ Users
By default, all App\Models\Users can access Filament locally. To allow them to access Filament in production, you must take a few extra steps to ensure that only the correct users have access to the admin panel.
📄️ Notifications
Sending notifications
📄️ Appearance
Changing the brand logo
📄️ Plugin development
Plugins can be used to extend Filament's default behaviour and create reusable modules for use in multiple applications.
📄️ Testing
All examples in this guide will be written using Pest. However, you can easily adapt this to a PHPUnit.
📄️ Upgrading from v1.x
If you see anything missing from this guide, please do not hesitate to make a pull request to our repository! Any help is appreciated!