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Version: 3.0

Custom pages


Filament allows you to create completely custom pages for resources. To create a new page, you can use:

php artisan make:filament-page SortUsers --resource=UserResource --type=custom

This command will create two files - a page class in the /Pages directory of your resource directory, and a view in the /pages directory of the resource views directory.

You must register custom pages to a route in the static getPages() method of your resource:

public static function getPages(): array
return [
// ...
'sort' => Pages\SortUsers::route('/sort'),

The order of pages registered in this method matters - any wildcard route segments that are defined before hard-coded ones will be matched by Laravel's router first.

Any parameters defined in the route's path will be available to the page class, in an identical way to Livewire.