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Version: 3.x

Tabs Blade component


The tabs component allows you to render a set of tabs, which can be used to toggle between multiple sections of content:

<x-filament::tabs label="Content tabs">
Tab 1

Tab 2

Tab 2

Triggering the active state of the tab

By default, tabs do not appear "active". To make a tab appear active, you can use the active attribute:

<x-filament::tabs.item active>
Tab 1

{{-- Other tabs --}}

You can also use the active attribute to make a tab appear active conditionally:

:active="$activeTab === 'tab1'"
wire:click="$set('activeTab', 'tab1')"
Tab 1

{{-- Other tabs --}}

Or you can use the alpine-active attribute to make a tab appear active conditionally using Alpine.js:

<x-filament::tabs x-data={ activeTab: 'tab1' }>
alpine-active="activeTab === 'tab1'"
x-on:click="alpineActive = 'tab1'"
Tab 1

{{-- Other tabs --}}

Setting a tab icon

Tabs may have an icon, which you can set using the icon attribute:

<x-filament::tabs.item icon="heroicon-m-bell">

{{-- Other tabs --}}

Setting the tab icon position

The icon of the tab may be positioned before or after the label using the icon-position attribute:


{{-- Other tabs --}}

Setting a tab badge

Tabs may have a badge, which you can set using the badge slot:


<x-slot name="badge">

{{-- Other tabs --}}

By default, a tab's underlying HTML tag is <button>. You can change it to be an <a> tag by using the tag attribute:


{{-- Other tabs --}}