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Version: 3.x

Custom filters

Custom filter forms

Build a Custom Table Filter
Watch the Build Advanced Components for Filament series on Laracasts - it will teach you how to build components, and you'll get to know all the internal tools to help you.
Dan Harrin
Dan Harrin

You may use components from the Form Builder to create custom filter forms. The data from the custom filter form is available in the $data array of the query() callback:

use Filament\Forms\Components\DatePicker;
use Filament\Tables\Filters\Filter;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder;

->query(function (Builder $query, array $data): Builder {
return $query
fn (Builder $query, $date): Builder => $query->whereDate('created_at', '>=', $date),
fn (Builder $query, $date): Builder => $query->whereDate('created_at', '<=', $date),
Table with custom filter form

Setting default values for custom filter fields

To customize the default value of a field in a custom filter form, you may use the default() method:

use Filament\Forms\Components\DatePicker;
use Filament\Tables\Filters\Filter;


Active indicators

When a filter is active, an indicator is displayed above the table content to signal that the table query has been scoped.

Table with filter indicators

By default, the label of the filter is used as the indicator. You can override this using the indicator() method:

use Filament\Tables\Filters\Filter;

->label('Administrators only?')

If you are using a custom filter form, you should use indicateUsing() to display an active indicator.

Please note: if you do not have an indicator for your filter, then the badge-count of how many filters are active in the table will not include that filter.

Custom active indicators

Not all indicators are simple, so you may need to use indicateUsing() to customize which indicators should be shown at any time.

For example, if you have a custom date filter, you may create a custom indicator that formats the selected date:

use Carbon\Carbon;
use Filament\Forms\Components\DatePicker;
use Filament\Tables\Filters\Filter;

// ...
->indicateUsing(function (array $data): ?string {
if (! $data['date']) {
return null;

return 'Created at ' . Carbon::parse($data['date'])->toFormattedDateString();

Multiple active indicators

You may even render multiple indicators at once, by returning an array of Indicator objects. If you have different fields associated with different indicators, you should set the field using the removeField() method on the Indicator object to ensure that the correct field is reset when the filter is removed:

use Carbon\Carbon;
use Filament\Forms\Components\DatePicker;
use Filament\Tables\Filters\Filter;
use Filament\Tables\Filters\Indicator;

// ...
->indicateUsing(function (array $data): array {
$indicators = [];

if ($data['from'] ?? null) {
$indicators[] = Indicator::make('Created from ' . Carbon::parse($data['from'])->toFormattedDateString())

if ($data['until'] ?? null) {
$indicators[] = Indicator::make('Created until ' . Carbon::parse($data['until'])->toFormattedDateString())

return $indicators;

Preventing indicators from being removed

You can prevent users from removing an indicator using removable(false) on an Indicator object:

use Carbon\Carbon;
use Filament\Tables\Filters\Indicator;

Indicator::make('Created from ' . Carbon::parse($data['from'])->toFormattedDateString())