Advanced infolists
Inserting Livewire components into an infolist
You may insert a Livewire component directly into an infolist:
use Filament\Infolists\Components\Livewire;
use App\Livewire\Foo;
If you are rendering multiple of the same Livewire component, please make sure to pass a unique key()
to each:
use Filament\Infolists\Components\Livewire;
use App\Livewire\Foo;
Passing parameters to a Livewire component
You can pass an array of parameters to a Livewire component:
use Filament\Infolists\Components\Livewire;
use App\Livewire\Foo;
Livewire::make(Foo::class, ['bar' => 'baz'])
Now, those parameters will be passed to the Livewire component's mount()
class Foo extends Component
public function mount(string $bar): void
// ...
Alternatively, they will be available as public properties on the Livewire component:
class Foo extends Component
public string $bar;
Accessing the current record in the Livewire component
You can access the current record in the Livewire component using the $record
parameter in the mount()
method, or the $record
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
class Foo extends Component
public function mount(Model $record): void
// ...
// or
public Model $record;
Lazy loading a Livewire component
You may allow the component to lazily load using the lazy()
use Filament\Infolists\Components\Livewire;
use App\Livewire\Foo;