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Version: 3.0



Icons are used throughout the entire Filament UI to visually communicate core parts of the user experience. To render icons, we use the Blade Icons package from Blade UI Kit.

They have a website where you can search all the available icons from various Blade Icons packages. Each package contains a different icon set that you can choose from.

Using custom SVGs as icons

The Blade Icons package allows you to register custom SVGs as icons. This is useful if you want to use your own custom icons in Filament.

To start with, publish the Blade Icons configuration file:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=blade-icons

Now, open the config/blade-icons.php file, and uncomment the default set in the sets array.

Now that the default set exists in the config file, you can simply put any icons you want inside the resources/svg directory of your application. For example, if you put an SVG file named star.svg inside the resources/svg directory, you can reference it anywhere in Filament as icon-star. The icon- prefix is configurable in the config/blade-icons.php file too. You can also render the custom icon in a Blade view using the @svg('icon-star') directive.

Replacing the default icons

Filament includes an icon management system that allows you to replace any icons are used by default in the UI with your own. This happens in the boot() method of any service provider, like AppServiceProvider, or even a dedicated service provider for icons. If you wanted to build a plugin to replace Heroicons with a different set, you could absolutely do that by creating a Laravel package with a similar service provider.

To replace an icon, you can use the FilamentIcon facade. It has a register() method, which accepts an array of icons to replace. The key of the array is the unique icon alias that identifies the icon in the Filament UI, and the value is name of a Blade icon to replace it instead:

use Filament\Support\Facades\FilamentIcon;

'' => 'fas-magnifying-glass',
'' => 'fas-chevron-up',

Allowing users to customize icons from your plugin

If you have built a Filament plugin, your users may want to be able to customize icons in the same way that they can with any core Filament package. This is possible if you replace any manual @svg() usages with the <x-filament::icon> Blade component. This component allows you to pass in an icon alias, the name of the SVG icon that should be used by default, and any classes or HTML attributes:

class="h-5 w-5 text-gray-500 dark:text-gray-400"

Alternatively, you may pass an SVG element into the component's slot instead of defining a default icon name:

class="h-5 w-5 text-gray-500 dark:text-gray-400"
<!-- ... -->

Available icon aliases

Panel Builder icon aliases

  • panels::global-search.field - Global search field
  • panels::pages.dashboard.navigation-item - Dashboard navigation item
  • - Button to open a tenant from the tenant registration page
  • panels::sidebar.collapse-button - Button to collapse the sidebar
  • panels::sidebar.expand-button - Button to expand the sidebar
  • - Collapse button for a sidebar group
  • panels::tenant-menu.toggle-button - Button to toggle the tenant menu
  • panels::theme-switcher.light-button - Button to switch to the light theme from the theme switcher
  • panels::theme-switcher.dark-button - Button to switch to the dark theme from the theme switcher
  • panels::theme-switcher.system-button - Button to switch to the system theme from the theme switcher
  • panels::topbar.close-sidebar-button - Button to close the sidebar
  • - Button to open the sidebar
  • - Button to open the database notifications modal
  • panels::user-menu.profile-item - Profile item in the user menu
  • panels::user-menu.logout-button - Button in the user menu to log out
  • panels::widgets.account.logout-button - Button in the account widget to log out
  • - Button to open the documentation from the Filament info widget
  • - Button to open GitHub from the Filament info widget

Form Builder icon aliases

  • - Search input in a checkbox list
  • forms::components.wizard.completed-step - Completed step in a wizard

Table Builder icon aliases

  • tables::columns.collapse-button
  • tables::filters.remove-all-button - Button to remove all filters
  • tables::grouping.collapse-button - Button to collapse a group of records
  • tables::header-cell.sort-asc-button - Sort button of a column sorted in ascending order
  • tables::header-cell.sort-desc-button - Sort button of a column sorted in descending order
  • tables::reorder.handle - Handle to grab in order to reorder a record with drag and drop
  • tables::search-field - Search input

Notifications icon aliases

  • notifications::database.modal.empty-state - Empty state of the database notifications modal
  • notifications::notification.close-button - Button to close a notification

UI components icon aliases

  • badge.delete-button - Button to delete a badge
  • breadcrumbs.separator - Separator between breadcrumbs
  • modal.close-button - Button to close a modal
  • pagination.previous-button - Button to go to the previous page
  • - Button to go to the next page
  • section.collapse-button - Button to collapse a section