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Getting started


Resources are static classes that are used to build CRUD interfaces for your Eloquent models. They describe how administrators should be able to interact with data from your app - using tables and forms.

Creating a resource

To create a resource for the App\Models\Customer model:

php artisan make:filament-resource Customer

This will create several files in the app/Filament/Resources directory:

+-- CustomerResource.php
+-- CustomerResource
| +-- Pages
| | +-- CreateCustomer.php
| | +-- EditCustomer.php
| | +-- ListCustomers.php

Your new resource class lives in CustomerResource.php.

The classes in the Pages directory are used to customize the pages in the app that interact with your resource. They're all full-page Livewire components that you can customize in any way you wish.

Have you created a resource, but it's not appearing in the navigation menu? If you have a model policy, make sure you return true from the viewAny() method.

Simple (modal) resources

Sometimes, your models are simple enough that you only want to manage records on one page, using modals to create, edit and delete records. To generate a simple resource with modals:

php artisan make:filament-resource Customer --simple

Your resource will have a "Manage" page, which is a List page with modals added.

Additionally, your simple resource will have no getRelations() method, as relation managers are only displayed on the Edit and View pages, which are not present in simple resources. Everything else is the same.

Automatically generating forms and tables

If you'd like to save time, Filament can automatically generate the form and table for you, based on your model's database columns, using --generate:

php artisan make:filament-resource Customer --generate

Handling soft deletes

By default, you will not be able to interact with deleted records in the app. If you'd like to add functionality to restore, force delete and filter trashed records in your resource, use the --soft-deletes flag when generating the resource:

php artisan make:filament-resource Customer --soft-deletes

You can find out more about soft deleting here.

Generating a View page

By default, only List, Create and Edit pages are generated for your resource. If you'd also like a View page, use the --view flag:

php artisan make:filament-resource Customer --view

Specifiying a custom model namespace

By default, Filament will assume that your model exists in the App\Models directory. You can pass a different namespace for the model using the --model-namespace flag:

php artisan make:filament-resource Customer --model-namespace=Custom\\Path\\Models

In this example, the model should exist at Custom\Path\Models\Customer. Please note the double backslashes \\ in the command that are required.

Now when generating the resource, Filament will be able to locate the model and read the database schema.

Record titles

A $recordTitleAttribute may be set for your resource, which is the name of the column on your model that can be used to identify it from others.

For example, this could be a blog post's title or a customer's name:

protected static ?string $recordTitleAttribute = 'name';

This is required for features like global search to work.

You may specify the name of an Eloquent accessor if just one column is inadequate at identifying a record.

Resource forms

Resource classes contain a form() method that is used to build the forms on the Create and Edit pages:

use Filament\Forms;
use Filament\Forms\Form;

public static function form(Form $form): Form
return $form
// ...

The schema() method is used to define the structure of your form. It is an array of fields and layout components, in the order they should appear in your form.

Check out the Forms docs for a guide on how to build forms with Filament.

Hiding components based on the current operation

The hiddenOn() method of form components allows you to dynamically hide fields based on the current page or action.

In this example, we hide the password field on the edit page:

use Livewire\Component;


Alternatively, we have a visibleOn() shortcut method for only showing a field on one page or action:

use Livewire\Component;


Resource tables

Resource classes contain a table() method that is used to build the table on the List page:

use Filament\Tables;
use Filament\Tables\Table;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder;

public static function table(Table $table): Table
return $table
// ...
->query(fn (Builder $query): Builder => $query->whereNotNull('email_verified_at')),
// ...

Check out the tables docs to find out how to add table columns, filters, actions and more.


For authorization, Filament will observe any model policies that are registered in your app. The following methods are used:

  • viewAny() is used to completely hide resources from the navigation menu, and prevents the user from accessing any pages.
  • create() is used to control creating new records.
  • update() is used to control editing a record.
  • view() is used to control viewing a record.
  • delete() is used to prevent a single record from being deleted. deleteAny() is used to prevent records from being bulk deleted. Filament uses the deleteAny() method because iterating through multiple records and checking the delete() policy is not very performant.
  • forceDelete() is used to prevent a single soft-deleted record from being force-deleted. forceDeleteAny() is used to prevent records from being bulk force-deleted. Filament uses the forceDeleteAny() method because iterating through multiple records and checking the forceDelete() policy is not very performant.
  • restore() is used to prevent a single soft-deleted record from being restored. restoreAny() is used to prevent records from being bulk restored. Filament uses the restoreAny() method because iterating through multiple records and checking the restore() policy is not very performant.
  • reorder() is used to control reordering a record.

Skipping authorization

If you'd like to skip authorization for a resource, you may set the $shouldSkipAuthorization property to true:

protected static bool $shouldSkipAuthorization = true;

Customizing the model label

Each resource has a "model label" which is automatically generated from the model name. For example, an App\Models\Customer model will have a customer label.

The label is used in several parts of the UI, and you may customize it using the $modelLabel property:

protected static ?string $modelLabel = 'cliente';

Alternatively, you may use the getModelLabel() to define a dynamic label:

public static function getModelLabel(): string
return __('filament/resources/customer.label');

Customizing the plural model label

Resources also have a "plural model label" which is automatically generated from the model label. For example, a customer label will be pluralized into customers.

You may customize the plural version of the label using the $pluralModelLabel property:

protected static ?string $pluralModelLabel = 'clientes';

Alternatively, you may set a dynamic plural label in the getPluralModelLabel() method:

public static function getPluralModelLabel(): string
return __('filament/resources/customer.plural_label');

Automatic model label capitalization

By default, Filament will automatically capitalize each word in the model label, for some parts of the UI. For example, in page titles, the navigation menu, and the breadcrumbs.

If you want to disable this behaviour for a resource, you can set $hasTitleCaseModelLabel in the resource:

protected static bool $hasTitleCaseModelLabel = false;

Resource navigation items

Filament will automatically generate a navigation menu item for your resource using the plural label.

If you'd like to customize the navigation item label, you may use the $navigationLabel property:

protected static ?string $navigationLabel = 'Mis Clientes';

Alternatively, you may set a dynamic navigation label in the getNavigationLabel() method:

public static function getNavigationLabel(): string
return __('filament/resources/customer.navigation_label');

Setting a resource navigation icon

The $navigationIcon property supports the name of any Blade component. By default, Heroicons are installed. However, you may create your own custom icon components or install an alternative library if you wish.

protected static ?string $navigationIcon = 'heroicon-o-user-group';

Alternatively, you may set a dynamic navigation icon in the getNavigationIcon() method:

use Illuminate\Contracts\Support\Htmlable;

public static function getNavigationIcon(): string | Htmlable | null
return 'heroicon-o-user-group';

Sorting resource navigation items

The $navigationSort property allows you to specify the order in which navigation items are listed:

protected static ?int $navigationSort = 2;

Alternatively, you may set a dynamic navigation item order in the getNavigationSort() method:

public static function getNavigationSort(): ?int
return 2;

Grouping resource navigation items

You may group navigation items by specifying a $navigationGroup property:

protected static ?string $navigationGroup = 'Shop';

Alternatively, you may use the getNavigationGroup() method to set a dynamic group label:

public static function getNavigationGroup(): ?string
return __('filament/');

Grouping resource navigation items under other items

You may group navigation items as children of other items, by passing the label of the parent item as the $navigationParentItem:

protected static ?string $navigationParentItem = 'Products';

protected static ?string $navigationGroup = 'Shop';

As seen above, if the parent item has a navigation group, that navigation group must also be defined, so the correct parent item can be identified.

You may also use the getNavigationParentItem() method to set a dynamic parent item label:

public static function getNavigationParentItem(): ?string
return __('filament/');

If you're reaching for a third level of navigation like this, you should consider using clusters instead, which are a logical grouping of resources and custom pages, which can share their own separate navigation.

Generating URLs to resource pages

Filament provides getUrl() static method on resource classes to generate URLs to resources and specific pages within them. Traditionally, you would need to construct the URL by hand or by using Laravel's route() helper, but these methods depend on knowledge of the resource's slug or route naming conventions.

The getUrl() method, without any arguments, will generate a URL to the resource's List page:

use App\Filament\Resources\CustomerResource;

CustomerResource::getUrl(); // /admin/customers

You may also generate URLs to specific pages within the resource. The name of each page is the array key in the getPages() array of the resource. For example, to generate a URL to the Create page:

use App\Filament\Resources\CustomerResource;

CustomerResource::getUrl('create'); // /admin/customers/create

Some pages in the getPages() method use URL parameters like record. To generate a URL to these pages and pass in a record, you should use the second argument:

use App\Filament\Resources\CustomerResource;

CustomerResource::getUrl('edit', ['record' => $customer]); // /admin/customers/edit/1

In this example, $customer can be an Eloquent model object, or an ID.

Generating URLs to resource modals

This can be especially useful if you are using simple resources with only one page.

To generate a URL for an action in the resource's table, you should pass the tableAction and tableActionRecord as URL parameters:

use App\Filament\Resources\CustomerResource;
use Filament\Tables\Actions\EditAction;

CustomerResource::getUrl(parameters: [
'tableAction' => EditAction::getDefaultName(),
'tableActionRecord' => $customer,
]); // /admin/customers?tableAction=edit&tableActionRecord=1

Or if you want to generate a URL for an action on the page like a CreateAction in the header, you can pass it in to the action parameter:

use App\Filament\Resources\CustomerResource;
use Filament\Actions\CreateAction;

CustomerResource::getUrl(parameters: [
'action' => CreateAction::getDefaultName(),
]); // /admin/customers?action=create

Generating URLs to resources in other panels

If you have multiple panels in your app, getUrl() will generate a URL within the current panel. You can also indicate which panel the resource is associated with, by passing the panel ID to the panel argument:

use App\Filament\Resources\CustomerResource;

CustomerResource::getUrl(panel: 'marketing');

Customizing the resource Eloquent query

Within Filament, every query to your resource model will start with the getEloquentQuery() method.

Because of this, it's very easy to apply your own query constraints or model scopes that affect the entire resource:

public static function getEloquentQuery(): Builder
return parent::getEloquentQuery()->where('is_active', true);

Disabling global scopes

By default, Filament will observe all global scopes that are registered to your model. However, this may not be ideal if you wish to access, for example, soft deleted records.

To overcome this, you may override the getEloquentQuery() method that Filament uses:

public static function getEloquentQuery(): Builder
return parent::getEloquentQuery()->withoutGlobalScopes();

Alternatively, you may remove specific global scopes:

public static function getEloquentQuery(): Builder
return parent::getEloquentQuery()->withoutGlobalScopes([ActiveScope::class]);

More information about removing global scopes may be found in the Laravel documentation.

Customizing the resource URL

By default, Filament will generate a URL based on the name of the resource. You can customize this by setting the $slug property on the resource:

protected static ?string $slug = 'pending-orders';

Resource sub-navigation

Sub-navigation allows the user to navigate between different pages within a resource. Typically, all pages in the sub-navigation will be related to the same record in the resource. For example, in a Customer resource, you may have a sub-navigation with the following pages:

To add a sub-navigation to each "singular record" page in the resource, you can add the getRecordSubNavigation() method to the resource class:

use App\Filament\Resources\CustomerResource\Pages;
use Filament\Resources\Pages\Page;

public static function getRecordSubNavigation(Page $page): array
return $page->generateNavigationItems([

Each item in the sub-navigation can be customized using the same navigation methods as normal pages.

If you're looking to add sub-navigation to switch between entire resources and custom pages, you might be looking for clusters, which are used to group these together. The getRecordSubNavigation() method is intended to construct a navigation between pages that relate to a particular record inside a resource.

The sub-navigation is rendered at the start of the page by default. You may change the position by setting the $subNavigationPosition property on the resource. The value may be SubNavigationPosition::Start, SubNavigationPosition::End, or SubNavigationPosition::Top to render the sub-navigation as tabs:

use Filament\Pages\SubNavigationPosition;

protected static SubNavigationPosition $subNavigationPosition = SubNavigationPosition::End;

Deleting resource pages

If you'd like to delete a page from your resource, you can just delete the page file from the Pages directory of your resource, and its entry in the getPages() method.

For example, you may have a resource with records that may not be created by anyone. Delete the Create page file, and then remove it from getPages():

public static function getPages(): array
return [
'index' => Pages\ListCustomers::route('/'),
'edit' => Pages\EditCustomer::route('/{record}/edit'),

Deleting a page will not delete any actions that link to that page. Any actions will open a modal instead of sending the user to the non-existant page. For instance, the CreateAction on the List page, the EditAction on the table or View page, or the ViewAction on the table or Edit page. If you want to remove those buttons, you must delete the actions as well.