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Version: 3.x



Clusters are a hierarchical structure in panels that allow you to group resources and custom pages together. They are useful for organizing your panel into logical sections, and can help reduce the size of your panel's sidebar.

When using a cluster, a few things happen:

  • A new navigation item is added to the navigation, which is a link to the first resource or page in the cluster.
  • The individual navigation items for the resources or pages are no longer visible in the main navigation.
  • A new sub-navigation UI is added to each resource or page in the cluster, which contains the navigation items for the resources or pages in the cluster.
  • Resources and pages in the cluster get a new URL, prefixed with the name of the cluster. If you are generating URLs to resources and pages correctly, then this change should be handled for you automatically.
  • The cluster's name is in the breadcrumbs of all resources and pages in the cluster. When clicking it, you are taken to the first resource or page in the cluster.

Creating a cluster

Before creating your first cluster, you must tell the panel where cluster classes should be located. Alongside methods like discoverResources() and discoverPages() in the configuration, you can use discoverClusters():

public function panel(Panel $panel): Panel
return $panel
// ...
->discoverResources(in: app_path('Filament/Resources'), for: 'App\\Filament\\Resources')
->discoverPages(in: app_path('Filament/Pages'), for: 'App\\Filament\\Pages')
->discoverClusters(in: app_path('Filament/Clusters'), for: 'App\\Filament\\Clusters');

Now, you can create a cluster with the php artisan make:filament-cluster command:

php artisan make:filament-cluster Settings

This will create a new cluster class in the app/Filament/Clusters directory:


namespace App\Filament\Clusters;

use Filament\Clusters\Cluster;

class Settings extends Cluster
protected static ?string $navigationIcon = 'heroicon-o-squares-2x2';

The $navigationIcon property is defined by default since you will most likely want to customize this immediately. All other navigation properties and methods are also available to use, including $navigationLabel, $navigationSort and $navigationGroup. These are used to customize the cluster's main navigation item, in the same way you would customize the item for a resource or page.

Adding resources and pages to a cluster

To add resources and pages to a cluster, you just need to define the $cluster property on the resource or page class, and set it to the cluster class you created:

use App\Filament\Clusters\Settings;

protected static ?string $cluster = Settings::class;

Code structure recommendations for panels using clusters

When using clusters, it is recommended that you move all of your resources and pages into a directory with the same name as the cluster. For example, here is an directory structure for a panel that uses a cluster called Settings, containing a ColorResource and two custom pages:

+-- Clusters
| +-- Settings.php
| +-- Settings
| | +-- Pages
| | | +-- ManageBranding.php
| | | +-- ManageNotifications.php
| | +-- Resources
| | | +-- ColorResource.php
| | | +-- ColorResource
| | | | +-- Pages
| | | | | +-- CreateColor.php
| | | | | +-- EditColor.php
| | | | | +-- ListColors.php

This is a recommendation, not a requirement. You can structure your panel however you like, as long as the resources and pages in your cluster use the $cluster property. This is just a suggestion to help you keep your panel organized.

When a cluster exists in your panel, and you generate new resources or pages with the make:filament-resource or make:filament-page commands, you will be asked if you want to create them inside a cluster directory, according to these guidelines. If you choose to, then Filament will also assign the correct $cluster property to the resource or page class for you. If you do not, you will need to define the $cluster property yourself.