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Version: 3.x



All examples in this guide will be written using Pest. However, you can easily adapt this to PHPUnit.

Since the Table Builder works on Livewire components, you can use the Livewire testing helpers. However, we have many custom testing helpers that you can use for tables:


To ensure a table component renders, use the assertSuccessful() Livewire helper:

use function Pest\Livewire\livewire;

it('can render page', function () {

To test which records are shown, you can use assertCanSeeTableRecords(), assertCanNotSeeTableRecords() and assertCountTableRecords():

use function Pest\Livewire\livewire;

it('cannot display trashed posts by default', function () {
$posts = Post::factory()->count(4)->create();
$trashedPosts = Post::factory()->trashed()->count(6)->create();


If your table uses pagination, assertCanSeeTableRecords() will only check for records on the first page. To switch page, call set('page', 2).

If your table uses deferLoading(), you should call loadTable() before assertCanSeeTableRecords().


To ensure that a certain column is rendered, pass the column name to assertCanRenderTableColumn():

use function Pest\Livewire\livewire;

it('can render post titles', function () {


This helper will get the HTML for this column, and check that it is present in the table.

For testing that a column is not rendered, you can use assertCanNotRenderTableColumn():

use function Pest\Livewire\livewire;

it('can not render post comments', function () {


This helper will assert that the HTML for this column is not shown by default in the present table.


To sort table records, you can call sortTable(), passing the name of the column to sort by. You can use 'desc' in the second parameter of sortTable() to reverse the sorting direction.

Once the table is sorted, you can ensure that the table records are rendered in order using assertCanSeeTableRecords() with the inOrder parameter:

use function Pest\Livewire\livewire;

it('can sort posts by title', function () {
$posts = Post::factory()->count(10)->create();

->assertCanSeeTableRecords($posts->sortBy('title'), inOrder: true)
->sortTable('title', 'desc')
->assertCanSeeTableRecords($posts->sortByDesc('title'), inOrder: true);


To search the table, call the searchTable() method with your search query.

You can then use assertCanSeeTableRecords() to check your filtered table records, and use assertCanNotSeeTableRecords() to assert that some records are no longer in the table:

use function Pest\Livewire\livewire;

it('can search posts by title', function () {
$posts = Post::factory()->count(10)->create();

$title = $posts->first()->title;

->assertCanSeeTableRecords($posts->where('title', $title))
->assertCanNotSeeTableRecords($posts->where('title', '!=', $title));

To search individual columns, you can pass an array of searches to searchTableColumns():

use function Pest\Livewire\livewire;

it('can search posts by title column', function () {
$posts = Post::factory()->count(10)->create();

$title = $posts->first()->title;

->searchTableColumns(['title' => $title])
->assertCanSeeTableRecords($posts->where('title', $title))
->assertCanNotSeeTableRecords($posts->where('title', '!=', $title));


To assert that a certain column has a state or does not have a state for a record you can use assertTableColumnStateSet() and assertTableColumnStateNotSet():

use function Pest\Livewire\livewire;

it('can get post author names', function () {
$posts = Post::factory()->count(10)->create();

$post = $posts->first();

->assertTableColumnStateSet('', $post->author->name, record: $post)
->assertTableColumnStateNotSet('', 'Anonymous', record: $post);

To assert that a certain column has a formatted state or does not have a formatted state for a record you can use assertTableColumnFormattedStateSet() and assertTableColumnFormattedStateNotSet():

use function Pest\Livewire\livewire;

it('can get post author names', function () {
$post = Post::factory(['name' => 'John Smith'])->create();

->assertTableColumnFormattedStateSet('', 'Smith, John', record: $post)
->assertTableColumnFormattedStateNotSet('', $post->author->name, record: $post);


To ensure that a column exists, you can use the assertTableColumnExists() method:

use function Pest\Livewire\livewire;

it('has an author column', function () {

You may pass a function as an additional argument in order to assert that a column passes a given "truth test". This is useful for asserting that a column has a specific configuration. You can also pass in a record as the third parameter, which is useful if your check is dependant on which table row is being rendered:

use function Pest\Livewire\livewire;
use Filament\Tables\Columns\TextColumn;

it('has an author column', function () {
$post = Post::factory()->create();

->assertTableColumnExists('author', function (TextColumn $column): bool {
return $column->getDescriptionBelow() === $post->subtitle;
}, $post);


To ensure that a particular user cannot see a column, you can use the assertTableColumnVisible() and assertTableColumnHidden() methods:

use function Pest\Livewire\livewire;

it('shows the correct columns', function () {


To ensure a column has the correct description above or below you can use the assertTableColumnHasDescription() and assertTableColumnDoesNotHaveDescription() methods:

use function Pest\Livewire\livewire;

it('has the correct descriptions above and below author', function () {
$post = Post::factory()->create();

->assertTableColumnHasDescription('author', 'Author! ↓↓↓', $post, 'above')
->assertTableColumnHasDescription('author', 'Author! ↑↑↑', $post)
->assertTableColumnDoesNotHaveDescription('author', 'Author! ↑↑↑', $post, 'above')
->assertTableColumnDoesNotHaveDescription('author', 'Author! ↓↓↓', $post);

Extra Attributes

To ensure that a column has the correct extra attributes, you can use the assertTableColumnHasExtraAttributes() and assertTableColumnDoesNotHaveExtraAttributes() methods:

use function Pest\Livewire\livewire;

it('displays author in red', function () {
$post = Post::factory()->create();

->assertTableColumnHasExtraAttributes('author', ['class' => 'text-danger-500'], $post)
->assertTableColumnDoesNotHaveExtraAttributes('author', ['class' => 'text-primary-500'], $post);

Select Columns

If you have a select column, you can ensure it has the correct options with assertSelectColumnHasOptions() and assertSelectColumnDoesNotHaveOptions():

use function Pest\Livewire\livewire;

it('has the correct statuses', function () {
$post = Post::factory()->create();

->assertSelectColumnHasOptions('status', ['unpublished' => 'Unpublished', 'published' => 'Published'], $post)
->assertSelectColumnDoesNotHaveOptions('status', ['archived' => 'Archived'], $post);


To filter the table records, you can use the filterTable() method, along with assertCanSeeTableRecords() and assertCanNotSeeTableRecords():

use function Pest\Livewire\livewire;

it('can filter posts by `is_published`', function () {
$posts = Post::factory()->count(10)->create();

->assertCanSeeTableRecords($posts->where('is_published', true))
->assertCanNotSeeTableRecords($posts->where('is_published', false));

For a simple filter, this will just enable the filter.

If you'd like to set the value of a SelectFilter or TernaryFilter, pass the value as a second argument:

use function Pest\Livewire\livewire;

it('can filter posts by `author_id`', function () {
$posts = Post::factory()->count(10)->create();

$authorId = $posts->first()->author_id;

->filterTable('author_id', $authorId)
->assertCanSeeTableRecords($posts->where('author_id', $authorId))
->assertCanNotSeeTableRecords($posts->where('author_id', '!=', $authorId));

Resetting filters

To reset all filters to their original state, call resetTableFilters():

use function Pest\Livewire\livewire;

it('can reset table filters`', function () {
$posts = Post::factory()->count(10)->create();


Removing Filters

To remove a single filter you can use removeTableFilter():

use function Pest\Livewire\livewire;

it('filters list by published', function () {
$posts = Post::factory()->count(10)->create();

$unpublishedPosts = $posts->where('is_published', false)->get();


To remove all filters you can use removeTableFilters():

use function Pest\Livewire\livewire;

it('can remove all table filters', function () {
$posts = Post::factory()->count(10)->forAuthor()->create();

$unpublishedPosts = $posts
->where('is_published', false)
->where('author_id', $posts->first()->author->getKey());

->filterTable('author', $author)


Calling actions

You can call an action by passing its name or class to callTableAction():

use function Pest\Livewire\livewire;

it('can delete posts', function () {
$post = Post::factory()->create();

->callTableAction(DeleteAction::class, $post);


This example assumes that you have a DeleteAction on your table. If you have a custom Action::make('reorder'), you may use callTableAction('reorder').

For column actions, you may do the same, using callTableColumnAction():

use function Pest\Livewire\livewire;

it('can copy posts', function () {
$post = Post::factory()->create();

->callTableColumnAction('copy', $post);

$this->assertDatabaseCount((new Post)->getTable(), 2);

For bulk actions, you may do the same, passing in multiple records to execute the bulk action against with callTableBulkAction():

use function Pest\Livewire\livewire;

it('can bulk delete posts', function () {
$posts = Post::factory()->count(10)->create();

->callTableBulkAction(DeleteBulkAction::class, $posts);

foreach ($posts as $post) {

To pass an array of data into an action, use the data parameter:

use function Pest\Livewire\livewire;

it('can edit posts', function () {
$post = Post::factory()->create();

->callTableAction(EditAction::class, $post, data: [
'title' => $title = fake()->words(asText: true),



To check if an action or bulk action has been halted, you can use assertTableActionHalted() / assertTableBulkActionHalted():

use function Pest\Livewire\livewire;

it('will halt delete if post is flagged', function () {
$posts= Post::factory()->count(2)->flagged()->create();

->callTableAction('delete', $posts->first())
->callTableBulkAction('delete', $posts)



assertHasNoTableActionErrors() is used to assert that no validation errors occurred when submitting the action form.

To check if a validation error has occurred with the data, use assertHasTableActionErrors(), similar to assertHasErrors() in Livewire:

use function Pest\Livewire\livewire;

it('can validate edited post data', function () {
$post = Post::factory()->create();

->callTableAction(EditAction::class, $post, data: [
'title' => null,
->assertHasTableActionErrors(['title' => ['required']]);

For bulk actions these methods are called assertHasTableBulkActionErrors() and assertHasNoTableBulkActionErrors().

Pre-filled data

To check if an action or bulk action is pre-filled with data, you can use the assertTableActionDataSet() or assertTableBulkActionDataSet() method:

use function Pest\Livewire\livewire;

it('can load existing post data for editing', function () {
$post = Post::factory()->create();

->mountTableAction(EditAction::class, $post)
'title' => $post->title,
'title' => $title = fake()->words(asText: true),


Action state

To ensure that an action or bulk action exists or doesn't in a table, you can use the assertTableActionExists() / assertTableActionDoesNotExist() or assertTableBulkActionExists() / assertTableBulkActionDoesNotExist() method:

use function Pest\Livewire\livewire;

it('can publish but not unpublish posts', function () {

To ensure different sets of actions exist in the correct order, you can use the various "InOrder" assertions

use function Pest\Livewire\livewire;

it('has all actions in expected order', function () {
->assertTableActionsExistInOrder(['edit', 'delete'])
->assertTableBulkActionsExistInOrder(['restore', 'forceDelete'])
->assertTableHeaderActionsExistInOrder(['create', 'attach'])
->assertTableEmptyStateActionsExistInOrder(['create', 'toggle-trashed-filter'])

To ensure that an action or bulk action is enabled or disabled for a user, you can use the assertTableActionEnabled() / assertTableActionDisabled() or assertTableBulkActionEnabled() / assertTableBulkActionDisabled() methods:

use function Pest\Livewire\livewire;

it('can not publish, but can delete posts', function () {
$post = Post::factory()->create();

->assertTableActionDisabled('publish', $post)
->assertTableActionEnabled('delete', $post)

To ensure that an action or bulk action is visible or hidden for a user, you can use the assertTableActionVisible() / assertTableActionHidden() or assertTableBulkActionVisible() / assertTableBulkActionHidden() methods:

use function Pest\Livewire\livewire;

it('can not publish, but can delete posts', function () {
$post = Post::factory()->create();

->assertTableActionHidden('publish', $post)
->assertTableActionVisible('delete', $post)

Button Style

To ensure an action or bulk action has the correct label, you can use assertTableActionHasLabel() / assertTableBulkActionHasLabel() and assertTableActionDoesNotHaveLabel() / assertTableBulkActionDoesNotHaveLabel():

use function Pest\Livewire\livewire;

it('delete actions have correct labels', function () {
$post = Post::factory()->create();

->assertTableActionHasLabel('delete', 'Archive Post')
->assertTableActionDoesNotHaveLabel('delete', 'Delete');
->assertTableBulkActionHasLabel('delete', 'Archive Post')
->assertTableBulkActionDoesNotHaveLabel('delete', 'Delete');

To ensure an action or bulk action's button is showing the correct icon, you can use assertTableActionHasIcon() / assertTableBulkActionHasIcon() or assertTableActionDoesNotHaveIcon() / assertTableBulkActionDoesNotHaveIcon():

use function Pest\Livewire\livewire;

it('delete actions have correct icons', function () {
$post = Post::factory()->create();

->assertTableActionHasIcon('delete', 'heroicon-m-archive-box')
->assertTableActionDoesNotHaveIcon('delete', 'heroicon-m-trash');
->assertTableBulkActionHasIcon('delete', 'heroicon-m-archive-box')
->assertTableBulkActionDoesNotHaveIcon('delete', 'heroicon-m-trash');

To ensure that an action or bulk action's button is displaying the right color, you can use assertTableActionHasColor() / assertTableBulkActionHasColor() or assertTableActionDoesNotHaveColor() / assertTableBulkActionDoesNotHaveColor():

use function Pest\Livewire\livewire;

it('delete actions have correct colors', function () {
$post = Post::factory()->create();

->assertTableActionHasColor('delete', 'warning')
->assertTableActionDoesNotHaveColor('delete', 'danger');
->assertTableBulkActionHasColor('delete', 'warning')
->assertTableBulkActionDoesNotHaveColor('delete', 'danger');


To ensure an action or bulk action has the correct URL traits, you can use assertTableActionHasUrl(), assertTableActionDoesNotHaveUrl(), assertTableActionShouldOpenUrlInNewTab(), and assertTableActionShouldNotOpenUrlInNewTab():

use function Pest\Livewire\livewire;

it('links to the correct Filament sites', function () {
$post = Post::factory()->create();

->assertTableActionHasUrl('filament', '')
->assertTableActionDoesNotHaveUrl('filament', '')


To test that a summary calculation is working, you may use the assertTableColumnSummarySet() method:

use function Pest\Livewire\livewire;

it('can average values in a column', function () {
$posts = Post::factory()->count(10)->create();

->assertTableColumnSummarySet('rating', 'average', $posts->avg('rating'));

The first argument is the column name, the second is the summarizer ID, and the third is the expected value.

You may set a summarizer ID by passing it to the make() method:

use Filament\Tables\Columns\Summarizers\Average;
use Filament\Tables\Columns\TextColumn;


The ID should be unique between summarizers in that column.

Summarizing only one pagination page

To calculate the average for only one pagination page, use the isCurrentPaginationPageOnly argument:

use function Pest\Livewire\livewire;

it('can average values in a column', function () {
$posts = Post::factory()->count(20)->create();

->assertTableColumnSummarySet('rating', 'average', $posts->take(10)->avg('rating'), isCurrentPaginationPageOnly: true);

Testing a range summarizer

To test a range, pass the minimum and maximum value into a tuple-style [$minimum, $maximum] array:

use function Pest\Livewire\livewire;

it('can average values in a column', function () {
$posts = Post::factory()->count(10)->create();

->assertTableColumnSummarySet('rating', 'range', [$posts->min('rating'), $posts->max('rating')]);