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Version: 3.x

Grouping actions


You may group actions together into a dropdown menu by using an ActionGroup object. Groups may contain many actions, or other groups:

Action group

This page is about customizing the look of the group's trigger button and dropdown.

Customizing the group trigger style

The button which opens the dropdown may be customized in the same way as a normal action. All the methods available for trigger buttons may be used to customize the group trigger button:

use Filament\Support\Enums\ActionSize;

// Array of actions
->label('More actions')
Action group with custom trigger style

Setting the placement of the dropdown

The dropdown may be positioned relative to the trigger button by using the dropdownPlacement() method:

// Array of actions
Action group with top placement style

Adding dividers between actions

You may add dividers between groups of actions by using nested ActionGroup objects:

// Array of actions
// Array of actions

The dropdown(false) method puts the actions inside the parent dropdown, instead of a new nested dropdown.

Action groups nested with dividers

Setting the width of the dropdown

The dropdown may be set to a width by using the dropdownWidth() method. Options correspond to Tailwind's max-width scale. The options are ExtraSmall, Small, Medium, Large, ExtraLarge, TwoExtraLarge, ThreeExtraLarge, FourExtraLarge, FiveExtraLarge, SixExtraLarge and SevenExtraLarge:

use Filament\Support\Enums\MaxWidth;

// Array of actions

Controlling the maximum height of the dropdown

The dropdown content can have a maximum height using the maxHeight() method, so that it scrolls. You can pass a CSS length:

// Array of actions

Controlling the dropdown offset

You may control the offset of the dropdown using the dropdownOffset() method, by default the offset is set to 8.

// Array of actions